MailWasher Pro is an unusual antispam tool that attempts to keep your inbox entirely free of junk.
Download MailWasher Free - Manage your email account and get rid of unwanted messages by creating blacklists and applying filters, get message notifications and manage spam with ease.
The program includes a Check Mail option which shows you all the mail waiting for you on the server. It tries to figure out itself whether these messages are legitimate, or spam, and at first (in our experience) this isn't particularly accurate. You're able to train the program by pointing out anything it gets wrong, though, so its performance improves significantly over time.
Then, when you click the Wash Mail button, MailWasher deletes the spam and other junk, while downloading everything else to your email program.
The downside of this approach is that you need to personally scan all your incoming mails, at least initially, and if you get a lot of spam then that could be a problem.
Once you're confident in MailWasher's abilities, though, you can have it automatically delete spam, saving you a lot of time. Being able to preview a message before you download it has security advantages, as you're viewing it in plain text (malicious scripts won't be able to run). And the program has plenty of other plus points: it's easy to set up, works at the POP3 and SMTP protocol level so supports all email clients, and has lots of configuration options so you can make it work just as you like.
Once it's trained then MailWasher Pro can become a very accurate spam filter, however the idea of manually previewing messages before you download them will be too much hassle for some
Mailwasher For Mac
You need to train the spam filter in Mail and you can also create separate rules to filter out spam that isn't caught by the default filters. Use Mail Help from Mail's Help menu for assistance.
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